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Realms of Valen
Dragon in the Dark
War of the Gods - Volume I
Published August 10th, 2015
Kaidia Valengaard is a warrior of noble birth. She is a callous, reclusive woman of twenty-five years who has lost that which is most precious to her and has become a mercenary in the wake of her tragedy. She deals only with those she sees fit until one night when the fates bring her younger sister, Nadia, and a host of assassins to her home all in one evening. The attack brings intentionally forgotten history back to the surface, re-opens old wounds, and sets into motion events that hold consequences for all of Valen.

Realms of Valen
Blasphemous Crusade
War of the Gods: Volume II
Published April 27th, 2016
After the events in Niercess, Kaidia Valengaard had hoped for life to return to normal. Given her new status, that was next to impossible, but things returned to a state of relative peace. Kai continued on with her mercenary life with some attention to her new responsibilities, but the normalcy of existence is violently interrupted when several cities and countless towns are razed by an army that seemed to have come from nowhere with the intent to wipe out all gods that aren't their own.
The cities of Corrana, Sarkos, and Vortha are all attacked and Kaidia finds herself the target of another being who has power and influence to rival her own. Things get personal when her sister is taken out of commission and Kai is forced to draw her sword and defend the world of Valen once again.

Realms of Valen
Cold Blood
War of the Gods: Volume III
Published November 28th, 2016
After fighting together to defeat the twin prophets of another god, Kaidia and Nadia decide to take a job together to find a rare book for a wealthy client and close the distance between them that Kaidia's four years of self-imposed exile had quietly created. In the process of locating said book, the two stumble across a discovery that could shed light on the murky past of Valen that even the greatest scholars and historians know precious little about.
However, some ancient secrets are better left buried in the long forgotten corners of the world.

Realms of Valen
Resurrection Insurrection
War of the Gods: Volume IV
Published May 11th, 2018
Kaidia has been asleep for centuries - hidden away from the world.
When she awakens, she finds a Valen that is staggeringly different from the one she left behind.
Sorcery is severely restricted, state-sponsored religion has pushed out all of the old gods aside from Kaidia, and the world's police forces have been reduced to gangs with uniforms and badges.
The poor are oppressed by the wealthy and greed rules the world.
A descendant of Sae-Mirra has woken Kai from her deep slumber to help put the world back in order and the first step is bringing the Dragon God into the new age...
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