If you're here, you've likely already read the author bio I created for my Realms of Valen website and my Amazon author page. Here, I'll go a little more in depth.
I'm an avid reader. Fantasy and science fiction are my genres of choice, but I'll read just about anything if I enjoy the author's style. Many of my favorite authors are, of course, fantasy and sci-fi authors and they greatly influenced my writing style. Authors like Richard A. Knaak, Margaret Weis, and Tracy Hickman, among others.
I love music. Rock, metal, and classical to be specific. I grew up on bands like KISS, Iced Earth, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Black Sabbath, Motorhead, Doro Pesch, Manowar, and so on and so forth. I spend a great deal of my time listening to music.
I enjoy video games a great deal, like many of my generation. As of this writing (November 28th, 2015), Fallout 4 has completely wrecked any productivity I might have once had. Fighting games(Tekken series), shooters (Borderlands, Army of Two), RPGs (Fallout, Elder Scrolls), racing games (GRID series), and the strange one off games like Mirror's Edge or Heavy Rain occupy a lot of my time spent relaxing, which can be anything but relaxing at times.
Also, photography is a hobby of mine.
I'm certain other bits and pieces of myself will be revealed as time wears on.